Accounting Concepts and Conventions
Accounting Concepts and Conventions Accounting is generally considered as the language' of the business. It records business transactions which have taken place during the accounting period and communicates the results thereof in the form of financial statements, such as, Profit and Loss Account and Balance- Sheet etc. There are certain set rules for preparing the financial statements. These rules are usually called General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and have been commonly accepted by the professional accounting world as general guidelines for preparing the financial statements. Accounting principles, rules of conduct and action are described by various terms such as concepts, conventions, assumption etc. ACCĂ“UNTING CONCEPTS Accounting concept means the necessary assumption or conditions upon which accounting is based. A list of accounting concepts which are generally used is given below: 1. Entity concept 2. Dual aspect concept 3. Going concern concept 4. Accounting per...
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